Youtube AI Tools Masterclass PLR Video and Audio
File Format: MP4 Video, txt, mp3, SRT, excel, powerpoint
Number of Videos: 1 Video (1922×1080)
Sales page: Not Included
Download Page: Not included
Included Graphics: Brand New eCover
Cover Graphics: PNG and PSD in flat and 3D
Extras: Transcripts in plain txt, excel, SRT; powerpoint of slides, raw video
Year Released/Circulated: 2024
Suggested Selling Price: $27.00
Youtube AI Tools Masterclass PLR Video and Audio Introduction:
And when we start talking about using AI tools, whether you’re talking about using them from YouTube or any AI platform, before you even start to think about where you’re gonna put them and whether or not they’re not gonna be necessary, the first thing you gotta ask is, where’s the most pressing need in your business right now? And that’s gonna be the most important aspect of the process.
If you’re gonna apply YouTube AI tools in your marketing, you’ve gotta start with the most pressing need in your business right now. And you do need to have some kind of framework in order to kind of assess what that is. And so that’s gonna be an important element to all of these questions that we’re gonna be asking. And what we wanna do first is we want to analyze this question according to a classic marketing framework.
Now, this marketing framework is not something that’s unique to me and not something that I came up with. It’s probably something that you’ve heard from Jay Abraham. You’ve heard others repeat it over the years. Some of the terms have been repeated by people like Dan Kennedy, but they are basically classic marketing frameworks for small and independent businesses. And so you’ve gotta determine if your most pressing need right now is your unique positioning, and is there some reason in your business that people can come to you over and above everybody else, or over and above everybody doing nothing?
40 minute video (and audio file!) covering this important and very popular topic. Great for both the massive social media/Youtube niche as well as the already huge and still growing niche that is Artificial Intelligence!
Youtube AI Tools Masterclass PLR Video and Audio Rights:
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