Who doesn’t want that wash-board stomach and more important, those Six-Pack-Abs? We see the tv commercials every day, hour after hour, and why? Because Ads and getting in shape is a HUGE market! Open any magazine and all you see are sexy women in skinny jeans and short shirts showing off their bodies or guys with the perfect 6 pack.
Not only is it one of those pain niches, meaning people are in mental pain because they don’t have the perfect body they want, but this niche is also one of those that people buy product after product and program after program while they are desperately searching for a solution to their problem. These people are repeat buyers!
Here’s your opportunity to cash in on a huge market, to get your share of niche, by offering people the dream of being in shape and being fit.
The main site contains 20 quality text posts covering such categories as:
* Abs Information
* Abs Tips
* Truth About Abs
But there is more… You’ll also be getting a site that is stocked with 100 Amazon Products related to the Abs Niche. Categories include:
* Ab Balls
* Ab Belts
* Ab Diets
* Ab Straps
* Ab Trainers
* Ab Wheels
* Ab Workout DVD’s
* Six Pack Abs
This products are listed with full descriptions which means a TON of text for the search engines to eat up! Not only will you be getting a site with product information, products also include many reviews and comments right from amazon!
Here’s the most important part, how you will be making money from this ready-to-go website:
Revenue Model:
100 Abs related Products from Amazon (less than a minute to put in your Amazon affiliate links)
Google Adsense Ads
Clickbank related Ads for Abs
You will also be getting Abs related Video pages to attract and keep and attract your visitors, so they buy from your Affiliate Links, and they Included:
* Ab Workoput Videos
* Ab Exercise Videos
These videos are embedded on your site to bring in visitors, keep them coming back and telling all their friends. Your own viral marketing built in. Many of these videos are also very informative as they are Do-It-Yourself, so your website becomes a resource of usable, valuable information.
Best of all this store and blog use the wordpress platform, all the wordpress files are even included, so you know it’s easy to use and profit from.
Blog Core Features:
Google Analytics to track your visitors and web traffic
Content Preloaded
Plugin’s Pre-Loaded
RSS Feeds
2 Video pages from YouTube
Gain the Advantage in the Search Engines with these Built in Features:
SEO Plug-in to help get your site to the top of the Search Engines.
Site Map
Search Engine Friendly URL’s (included theme is SEO ready)
You’ll also be getting a matching Review Website With the Following Clickbank Reviews:
* Truth About Abs
* Fat Loss 4 Idiots
* Burn the Fat
The review website also includes 5 Article pages:
* It’s not Always About the Six Pack
* Warming up to the theme
* Beware of excess
* Patience may be the key
* Great myths of ab exercises
Simply add your Clickbank affiliate Id, upload the pages and you have your own review website ready to go!
Everything is included…
You will be getting everything you need to have your very own Truth About Abs Website and it only takes very little time to get it up and running. For most people it’s 20 minute or less to install and set up. Everything is included. Get your store now and get in on this HUGE market Today! The package includes the documentation showing how to install and set it up.
Product Rights:
[YES] Can sell private label rights.[YES] Can sell resale rights.
[YES] Can be offered through auction sites.
[YES] Can be edited completely and put your name on.
[NO] Can be Added to free membership sites.
[NO] Can be offered as a bonus.
[NO] Can Sell Master Resale rights.
[NO] Cannot be given away.