Surviving Valentines Day PLR Ebook
File Format: MS Word Document, PDF
Number of Pages: 27
Salespage: None.
Download/Thank You Page: None.
Included Graphics: Cover.
Cover Graphics: JPG
Miscellaneous Graphics: None.
Extra Pages: None.
Extras: None.
Year Released/Circulated: Unknown, but timeless information.
Suggested Selling Price: $27
Surviving Valentines Day PLR Ebook Introduction:
Ten years ago if you had asked someone what Valentine’s meant to them they would probably tell you that it was really no big deal. It might have been important for a florist who has a promotion or a local restaurant that offers roses with its dinner but there was never a big deal about it and never too much money, time and effort that was spent on it.
However, these days Valentine’s Day is such a big thing that you would have to be living on the moon if you didn’t know anything about it. As early as December, you will be surrounded by advertisements, promotions, special offers and gift ideas in newspapers, on TV, on radio, on the Internet – basically everywhere you turn.
For some people all this hype is way too much and they prefer to ignore the slightest insinuation that Valentine’s Day is on its way. Others will find it quite depressing that they see or hear so much about it everywhere, considering that they are actually single and find that they will have no one to celebrate it with.
Contrary to popular belief though, Valentine’s Day is about love and not necessarily among couples only. It can also be shared amongst family, friends and anyone you would like to share love with. You can be 9 or 90 but love is something we all feel and it is definitely something we all need in both small and big ways. It keeps us happy so there’s definitely no use in letting the commercial aspects of Valentine’s actually ruin this thought for you.
Surviving Valentines Day PLR Ebook Contents:
Overcoming the Blues
Look on the bright side
What are the reasons you are alone?
Getting Support
Reuniting with an ex
Till death do us part
Feel like going surrogate
Click a date
Getting the word out
Family and friends
Playing babysitter
Singling a night out
Movie marathon
Charity begins with yourself
Pajama Party anyone
Get-away from it all
Sail Away
Sporty Actions with some twirls
Armchair travel
Secret Valentine
Single parents unite
Twelve Things You Definitely Want To Do Alone On Valentine’s Day
Twelve Things You Must Not Even Think Of Doing Alone On Valentine’s Day
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