50 articles between 500 and 700 words, including:
A Review of Hirschmans Propensity to Self Subversion
Challenges in Propensity to Self Subversion
Characters in An Integral Part in the Development of Propensity to Self Subversion
Cognitive Therapy to Treat Depression
Developmental Steps in Competency and Propensity to Self Subversion
Emotional Comp in Propensity to Self Subversion
How Propensity to Self Subversion Occurs
Improving your Life
Propensity to Self Subversion in Inner Peace Discovery
Propensity to Self Subversion Living The Life
Propensity to Self Subversion The Theory behind It
Relieving Stress in Propensity to Self Subversion
The Development of Holistic Approaches in Propensity to Self Subversion
And much more!
Renowned author, revered for his political theories, Albert O. Hirschman, has released a new book entitled Propensity to Self-Subversion. Hirschman is a much-discussed man for his worldwide theories that have been at the cusp of political economics during the past fifty years. Propensity to Self-Subversion is a book in which Hirschman’s twenty essays casts a sharply, trained eye on his own ideas by qualifying and questioning some of his earlier propositions that revolve around economic development and social change. It is apparent to the reader that Hirschman is once again sub-merged in his self-affirmation that clearly distinguishes this man as one of the great minds of this century and beyond.