Newlyweds Again PLR Ebook
File Format: MS Word Document, PDF
Number of Pages: 62
Salespage: Included.
Download/Thank You Page: Included.
Included Graphics: Cover and miscellaneous graphics.
Cover Graphics: JPG and PSD. Flat and 3D in several sizes.
Miscellaneous Graphics: Background, header, footer and more.
Extra Pages: None.
Extras: None.
Year Released/Circulated: Unknown, but timeless information.
Suggested Selling Price: $47
Newlyweds Again PLR Ebook Introduction:
Remember back to your wedding day. I’m not talking about just the ceremony and reception. I want you to remember how you felt. Think back to looking into the eyes of your intended spouse and how happy you were. Your marriage was going to last forever. You were sure of that much.
Because this man or woman made you feel so special. Maybe your new husband was the most romantic guy you had ever met. Maybe your new wife was one of the most incredible people you had ever met. Both of you knew that this was a marriage that would work. Your life would always be as magical as it was in the very beginning.
You spent the first few months of your life settling in as a married couple. Perhaps you couldn’t keep your hands off of each other and made those around you roll their eyes as they watched your PDA with envy. But you didn’t care – you were in love!
And then, reality sets in. You start to notice little things about your true love that drive you crazy. You think you can deal with it, and maybe you can for awhile. But then, you start to pull away just a little bit. You still love him or her, but it’s just not the same.
Newlyweds Again PLR Ebook Contents:
Why Do Marriages Fail?
Is Your Marriage In Trouble?
Starting Down the Road to Romance
Paving the Road to Romance
Thinking for a Healthy Marriage
Living For Your Marriage
Even More Ways to Reconnect
Advice For the Romantically
Romantic Things You Can Do
Fighting Fair
Here’s What You Can Do
Great Ways to Spoil Your Spouse
Massage Can Make the Difference
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