Legal PLR Articles (84)
Legal issues are constantly battled over every single day, all across the world. Debates concerning simple traffic tickets to more involved cases like liability and medical concerns take place in courtrooms all the time. These articles discuss all kinds of legal issues from laws in different states to avoiding any kind of lawsuit. All articles in plain text format for ease of use and editing.
Note: Some information or statistics in some of the articles may be outdated or not relevant to today. But with the included rights you’re free to edit, change, add to or remove from any of them! The price has been dropped to compensate for this.
Legal PLR Articles (84) Titles:
84 articles between 100 and 2600 words, including:
10 ways to identify if your lawyer is right for you
A Company Law Jargon Buster
A Guide to Alcohol and Drugs Influence at Workplace
A Guide To Lawsuit Cash Advances
Are Prenuptial Agreements Affected by Changed Circumstances?
Arkansas Child Support and Enforcement
Business Entities – A Quick Guide
Certified Legal Nurse Consultant Turns Thousands of Pages of Records Into “A Picture Worth a 1,000 Words”
Challenging a Will in Florida – A Short Primer
FBI and FCC Seek Control of Software Industry
Landlord’s Corner – Apartment lease agreement Late fees in Ohio
Licensing Your Copyrighted Works
Nevada Criminal Records For Resident Research
Seven Ways to Avoid Identity Theft via Your Credit Cards
The Insanity of the Defense
And much, much more!
Legal PLR Articles (84) Samples:
The purpose of a Lawsuit Cash Advance is to help people recover the compensation owed to them for personal injury inflicted upon them either due to a road accident, discrimination at the workplace or any sort of medical or legal malpractice.
As your Internet business grows, the value of your domain name increases. The issue of a domain name trademark should move to the top of your list. You need to guard against unscrupulous competitors that may try to incorporate your domain name in their meta tags to obtain search engine rankings under your name.
No matter what state a non-custodial parent may reside, they are still responsible for making timely child support payments. The Nevada child support office will help assist a custodial parent in locating a missing parent. “This must be done first in order to establish child support!”
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