Household Budgeting PLR Ebook
File Format: MS Word Document, PDF
Number of Pages: 55
Salespage: Included. HTML
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Included Graphics: Cover and miscellaneous graphics.
Cover Graphics: JPG and PSD in multiple sizes.
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Extra Pages: None.
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Year Released/Circulated: Unknown, but timeless information.
Suggested Selling Price: $17
Household Budgeting PLR Ebook Introduction:
“The average family exists only on paper and its average budget is a fiction, invented by statisticians for the convenience of statisticians.”
Sylvia Porter
Unlike the quote provided above, seemingly reflective of general opinion on family budgets today, we will attempt to take a much more positive approach to budgeting, as a family oriented, user-friendly, financial management and planning tool and life-enabler.
However, when reflecting on family budgeting and inquiring as to why not more families are actually using it, it becomes self-evident that similar skepticism runs rampant and deep in reality and society, even globally so.
Once you start probing family budgets, expending time and energy researching the subject in-depth, it becomes quite clear, that most families are caught in a vicious, almost never-ending cycle of “What comes in must go out.”
Most families might feel that budgeting is a futile effort, unnecessarily burdening them with thoughts and ways, to go broke methodically and slowly, without the creature comforts and indulgences of our human modern-day society.
Others might voice that they feel as if they are merely throwing money away, in a never-ending and dizzying spiral of spend, spend, spend. People are getting deeper and deeper into debt, no matter how hard they try to get out of it. Questions are then raised : How do we stop these courses of action? How do we change the thinking around family fiscal discipline?
Household Budgeting PLR Ebook Contents:
Family Budgets: A Brief Introduction
Why an e-book or how-to guide on setting up a family budget?
Why would or do you need a family budget?
The business case for and rationale behind family budgeting
Benefits and advantages of a family budget
Family Budgets Defined
What is a family budget?
What constitutes a good family budget?
What should it contain and look like?
The Family Budget Process
How to set up a family budget?
Some practical suggestions and a step-by-step summary of a family budget process
Hints, tips, tricks and tools for setting up a family budget
How should a family budget be used?
Final Thoughts On Setting Up A Family Budget
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