File Format: | MS Word Document, PDF, XPS, Open Office ODT |
Number of Pages: | 136 pages |
Salespage: | Included, HTML |
Download/Thank You Page: | Included, HTML |
Included Graphics: | Cover, webpage images |
Cover Graphics: | JPG |
Extra Pages: | terms, contact, order, blank template, members, HTML |
File Size: | 6.9 meg |
Year Released/Circulated: | 2007 but timeless information |
Suggested Selling Price: | $27.00 |
High quality copywriting ebook that covers everything that has to do with creating high response salesletters that generate the highest conversions and brings you more sales! This is one of the better copywriting books we've seen because it covers so much and in detail.
Finally make the most of your hard earned traffic and get the highest amout of sales possible from your sales pages.
Ebook Table of Contents:
Discover How I Earn Between $100 and $400 From Every 20 Visitors That Land On My Sites (Step By Step)
The Power Of Words Can Make You Rich. If you can't persuade people to buy
your products, you're going nowhere. Ever think that maybe that missing piece
is knowing how to write to your customers? The only thing standing between you
and success? If you're not making at least $5 for every single person that lands
on your website, that could well be the case…
If there's one thing that's been the most valuable to me in my success as an online marketer, it's words. Not just writing, but words too. So you're in marketing, and want to make a bunch of cash, where do you start? How about:
Write and perfect sales letters
Write and test ad copy
E-mail your lists with ads and content
Write your own products
Plan products that aren't necessarily written
Contact joint venture partners
The list just goes on and on. If there's one thing that you need to know how to do to succeed in this business, it's write. Why are you still reading? It's only been a few sentences, but what did I say to get you here? It's slightly annoying when someone does it to you. but imagine having that power yourself. Having your readers, no matter the material, hang on your every word.
Now hold on there, before we go any further..
Just to clarify, I see all these people with degrees in psychology, and with initials in front of their names that are trying to teach people how to write persuasively, or to keep a potential customer reading when they hit a sales page. I read their stuff. It confused the heck out of me. Now I might not have pretty initials in front of my name, and I might not have a degree, but I have been writing and talking to persuade since I was eight years old. It's not gone badly considering I now do it for a living.
This time around however, I wanted to do something a little bit differently as far as teaching others to control the actions and thoughts of their website visitors. It's all coming from my own experiences. No degrees at all, just pure, 100%, real world experience.
How much could you make if you could control your readers actions?
(Quite a bit I'd think, considering it's the basis of everything we do)
Learn To Influence, Persuade And Captivate Your Audience In Such A Way That They Buy From You..
What You Tell Them To
When You Tell Them To
• Step by step sales letter creation. I'm not just going to give you a bunch of examples here and say 'copy this and your stuff will sell'. Instead, I'm going to define a set of rules for you that will take you right from the very first word, to the last letter. No need to flail blindly in the dark anymore. I take you through each step to, by the end of the manual, completion of a power-packed, proven to sell sales letter. – Learn how to effectively track your success. Most marketers think they know what tracking is about. Not with sales letters though, what statistics matter? I'll show you the exact methods I use to judge whether a sales letter is working correctly or not. very useful when you consider this method took my last site (in a completely new market for me) from 1 sale in 98 visits down to 1 sale in 24 visits. Not bad for a $300 product. • Over a decade of tracking, testing and experience at your disposal. Since I started in online marketing, I've written, tested, critiqued and torn to pieces many hundreds if not thousands of sales letters out there. My experience is now yours.