Fire Sale Ignition PLR Ebook Package
File Format: MS Word Document
Number of Pages: Varies per product
Salespage: Included, HTML
Download/Thank You Page: Included, HTML
Included Graphics: eCovers, web page images
Cover Graphics: JPG in several sizes and styles
Miscellaneous Graphics: PSD’s for main images
Extra Pages: Register Page, HTML (Listbuilding)
Extras: Solo Promotional Swipe, TXT
Year Released/Circulated: 2012
Suggested Selling Price: $37.00
Fire Sale Ignition PLR Ebook Package Introduction:
Here’s a PLR package that is already set up for you to resell. Includes everything you need to make money today!
Comes with 14 separate products, plus bonus video’s.
You’ll also be getting PSD images for cover combination, flat cover, mini site, order button and CD template.
We’ve also a solo ad you can use to quickly and easily promote this to your list.
Fire Sale Ignition PLR Ebook Package Covers:

You’ve just stumbled upon what could potentially be the most profitable collection of unrestricted private label products ever offer on the Internet.
This is a one-of-a-kind opportunity to create in-demand information products that are completely yours to profit from without spending a whole lot of time, money or effort.
You pay me NO on-going fees or royalties…and 100% of the profits is all yours to keep.
Having a virtual Internet Marketing Empire (Where demand is practically OVERFLOWING) handed to you on a silver platter with ALL the trimmings … and A WHOLE LOT MORE…for less than half of what most people spend on groceries!
- You can run it from home…or from anywhere with a internet connection
- There is no large investment to get started
- You can put everything on auto-pilot
- There is no face-to-face selling involved
- There is no inventory to buy or ship
- You can even work in your underwear if you want to (no more ties!)
It’s true!
Because when you take action now, here’s what we’ll put in your hot little hands in just a matter of minutes from now…
Here’s what you get:
Unrestricted PLR Product #1
Internet Millionaire Mind Hacks
“What Internet Millionaires Know That You Don’t!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #2
Backend Profit Multipliers
“Little Known Strategies To Instantly Double, Triple or Even Quadruple Your Profits!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #3
Perfectly Profitable Products
“Positioning Your Product For Maximum Profits!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #4
7 Products In 7 Days
“Amazing Secrets Of Warp Speed Product Creation!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #5
Million Dollar Joint Venture Secrets
“Secrets of Getting Free Traffic, Free Money and Free Customers!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #6
Joint Venture Contact Secrets
“First Contact Secrets For Landing Big Fish Joint Venture Partners!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #7
Product Launch Dynamite
“Explosive Product Launch Sequencing Secrets Exposed!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #8
Contraint Crusher
“Removing 15 of the Biggest Internet Money Making Constraints!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #9
Smart Marketing Stores
“A Collection of Little-Known Smart Marketing Stories and Examples”
Unrestricted PLR Product #10
Proven Pricing Strategies
“Secrets Of Price Optimization Revealed!”
Unrestricted PLR Product #11
Affiliate Army Secrets
- Create your own unique products that you control. Obviously, the first thing you’ll want to do is use the manuscripts to create your own information products to sell online. You can compile them into eBooks, create a membership site, record them as audio products, sell them on CDs, as printed manuals or even use them to start a new coaching club! You can create as many different products as you want from the information, literally an unlimited number!
- Build an affiliate program and setup joint ventures. Yes, you can offer an affiliate program for your new products and get hundreds, even thousands of other people promoting your products for you! There are no restrictions against getting affiliates and joint ventures to promote your new products!
- Sell resale rights and master resale rights to your products. Want to make even more money from the products you create with this package? You can offer resale rights and master resale rights to the products you create for premium prices! If you sell a product that you create from this content for $27.00, then you might want to offer resale rights for $97.00 and master resale rights for $197 or more! (NOTE: And that’s just from ONE product you create with this package… you can create as many as you want!)
- Promote your favorite affiliate programs in the content. Since the content is yours to do with as you want, you can promote any kind of additional offer inside the content. Insert links to your favorite affiliate programs, your other products, your website, your lists … insert any kind of offer you want inside your products to make you even more money! It’s all permitted with this package.
- Extract information to create mini-courses. You can extract portions of the content to create mini-courses (AKA “ecourses”) to give away as lead generators to build your list! Think about this: you create a short, 5-lesson eCourse from the content and load it to an autoresponder. Then, you promote the free eCourse to get subscribers to join … and the eCourse promotes a product you created with this package! You can create your own marketing materials from part of the content to be used to promote the products you develop from the remainder of the content!
- Launch a viral eBook and even sell customization rights. You may want to also take a small portion of the content to create a “viral eBook”. Give the eBook away for free to promote your products … and allow anyone who grabs a copy of it to give it away to their contacts, creating a viral traffic stampede at your site! By offering people the right to customize (or “brand”) the viral eBook with an affiliate link to your new product, you’ll have the perfect incentive to get folks passing it on to their lists and website visitors! (HINT: You can even charge $19.95 or more for the right to customize the eBook if you want to!)
- Use part of the information as articles. Want a lot of free publicity for your new products? You can copy some of the content and create your own ezine articles (AKA”newsletter” articles) and allow editors to publish the articles in their ezines. Use your resource box at the close of the article to promote your new product site! You can *literally* use 500-750 words of the content as an article and get your site promoted to hundreds of thousands of subscribers … for free!
- Use some of the content as bonuses for any offer. Don’t stop with just creating products themselves with the information in this package, you can also create BONUSES to offer as incentives! Offer the bonuses for anyone buying your products, offer the bonuses to get people to join one of your lists, offer the bonuses to anyone buying an affiliate offer … use these bonuses as incentives to get people to buy something that you make money from! (NOTE: You could create a unique product plus 3 bonuses to easily put together a $47.00 package!)
- You can sell your product and keep 100% of the profits.
- You can sell Resell Rights to your customers and generate even more income.
- You can put your name as the author!
- You can re-name and/or re-brand this product instantly.
- You can get affiliates to promote your product and build your list with the FREE traffic they send your way.
- You can set up joint ventures and ad swaps with other marketers.
- You can create FREE reports and give them away in order to pull in quality leads.
- Offer the product as an upsell or backend offer for an existing product you currently sell
- Change or customize the content any way you please…
- Add your affiliate links to the backend recommended product offers and generate even more cash!
- Use the content as training materials.
- And much, much more!
P.S. There’s never been a better time to start building your own Private Label, digital product Internet business empire … and you won’t even have to waste any time or money researching, designing or writing a single thing!