ER Nurses PLR Articles
Emergency nursing cares for individuals of all ages in critical condition of their illness or injury without preliminary diagnosis. It encompasses all ages and medical specialties. Preventive care education and injury prevention is becoming a larger role for emergency nurses. All 10 articles in plain text format for ease of use and editing.
Note: Some articles contain some outdated statistics, as the articles are older. With the included rights, you’re free to edit, add to or remove information as you’d like!
ER Nurses PLR Articles Titles:
10 articles between 500 and 700 words, including:
Emergency Room Nurses: Always on Duty
E.R. Nurses Getting Hurt
E.R. Nurses in a Maze
Organized: The ER Nurses’ Organizations
E.R. Nurses Shorthanded
Warning: Hazards of Being an E.R. Nurse
Nursing the E.R. Nurses
Travel and Medicine: Tourist E.R. Nurse
U.S. Trade In: E. R. Nurses and Health Professionals
Wanted: E.R Nurses
ER Nurses PLR Articles Samples:
While in Canada, 84 percent of the nurses in the emergency department witnessed verbal harassment once in every shift. While there are 90 percent of them claimed to experience verbal abuse at least once a week. In Australia, there are 70 percent of nurses who experience violence at least five times a week.
According to the EMTALA or the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act, everyone has the right to be seen and attended to in the emergency department, whether they are able to pay or not. This served as safeguard for the underinsured and uninsured citizens.
Emergency room nurses are nurses specialized in emergency and disaster situations. They are responsible for giving first or preliminary medication or treatment for patients on critical stage of their illness and injury. Emergency room nurses are noted for their speed, efficiency, ability to multitask and provide medical care. But how can one become an emergency room nurse?
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