Hosting Green Parties PLR Report
File Format: MS Word Document, PDF
Number of Pages: 19
Salespage: None
Download/Thank You Page: None
Included Graphics: Covers
Cover Graphics: JPG and PSD in 5 different sizes.
Miscellaneous Graphics: As above
Extra Pages: None
Extras: None
Year Released/Circulated: 2019
Suggested Selling Price: $17.00
Hosting Green Parties PLR Report Introduction:
One of the biggest impacts on the environment is what is termed greenhouse gases, produced in part from discarded food decomposing and releasing these gases. Studies have shown that in the United States alone, people throw away 60 million tons of food every year. This represents around 50% of the money they spend on food.
Why throw half your grocery bill in the garbage? Planning ahead can lead to big savings. Planning for a party in particular is a must. You need to cater to various food tastes and certainly don’t want a lot of waste. Given that most parties are attended by many people at once, that leads to a lot of waste!
This great report gives information on how to throw a great party while still being eco-friendly.
Hosting Green Parties PLR Report Contents:
Tableware for a Green Party
Décor for a Green Party
Favors for a Green Party
Kids’ Food Ideas for a Green Party
Do’s and Don’ts for Kids’ Green Parties
Green Party Ideas for Teens
Having a Great Green Party for Teens
Throwing a Green Party for Preschoolers
Throwing a Green Party for Younger Kids
Going Paperless for Invitations to a Green Party
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