10 quality family history plr articles with private label rights. Articles are in TXT format, so they are easy to use.
Would be perfect if you work in the genealogy niche.
Includes the following titles and word counts:
Birth Certificates – 834
Family From Other Countries – 907
Getting Started – 987
Immigration Information – 622
Marriage and Divorce Certificates – 775
Military Information – 372
Social Security Records – 619
Using Death Certificates – 858
Using Online Websites – 1151
Why Find Family – 790
By now, you have probably seen commercials on TV about people who have found long lost family members using a popular website, Ancestry.Com. This site has been around for a while and has helped people find grandparents and even great grandparents that they wondered about. Most of the advertisements include those who found out about their fathers or grandfathers who they never knew and may have been told misleading information concerning the person. While this is a good place to start to look for long lost relatives, it is not the only site that offers you a quick peek into records that are public information. There are others and, if you dig far enough, you can get the information for free.
Information about long lost relatives takes two forms. It can be relatives that you have not seen in a while or never knew existed, or it can be your ancestors. To find your ancestors you have to go back a few generations. Finding out that your grandfather served in WWI is not finding an ancestor that you never thought you had.
You knew you had a grandfather, might not have know much about him, but he is not an ancestor – he is a antecedent. Ancestors go many generations back and are people that you could not possible know because they died before you could have been born.
There are many online websites that will give you access to all sorts of records, including social security records. Ancestry.com is one of the sites that does just this. The problem with using this site is that you sign up for a monthly or yearly fee and then may forget to cancel it. You have to keep track of how long you are on the site and when you are finished, be sure to cancel, unless you plan on using this site for more information. They have access to all sorts of records, not just social security records.
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